Saturday, December 12, 2015


Overheard at the gym-

(Man), "I only saw one statue of Mary on my
trip to Europe! It was in Budapest."

(Woman), "One is enough."

I presume that these folks celebrate Christmas,
like a boss!

I also presume that if they do not have a derivative
of the name Mary in their own name, they surely
know someone who does. Women AND men.

I am proud to say that I was named after the 
Mother of God.

I always want to think the best of people always, but
sometimes it is hard.

(The photo is from Lourdes. Because of the graciousness
of an atheist, I was able to visit this amazing place.)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Last Call

This will be the last week of
Corde' Perfusion LLC.

Bruce, Sandy, Mike & Dave, had
a good run for eleven years together.

I always thought that it really was a
miracle, that a small business like theirs
could make a go of it.

Now, those days have come to an end.
Well done.
Very well done.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

38 Years & Counting

In good times and in bad. Check.
For richer or poorer. Check.
In sickness and in health. Check.

Our anniversary coincides with Dave's
retirement from a career that he loved.

I came in for a lot of criticism, because
'you didn't have to work.'

In truth, I would have preferred to work
outside the home. Work was hardwired into
me, after all, but we don't always get what
we want. 

Ye olde ball and chain, were always those 
three little words, 'I'm on call.'

The silver lining is this-
a lot of lives were saved, because he could
pick up and go at any hour of the day or night.

And yes, I would do it all again.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Edina-Morningside Nursery School

The scene of many happy memories.

All of our children went to this school, ages 3-5 or 6.
It was a short distance from our house and it was easy
for me to imagine that it was in a small town-like
Moose lake, Minnesota, where my Tomczak grand-
parents lived.

I was fortunate to know the feel of a small town and
feel a nostalgic pull always.

It was not a 'crack the whip' kind of school. Rather, it 
felt like a throwback to the 1950's and Mr. Rogers-like.

Yes, the scene of many happy memories.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


On November 27th, 2015, Dave will retire from
a 40 year career as a Clinical Perfusionist.

Perfusionists fly under the radar, in a highly
technical role, during open heart surgery.

He will NOT be retiring from repairing

lawn mowers
snow blowers

and anything else that he can put his capable
hands to!

Here, he is tuning up a little girl's bike. Her
mother bought it on Craigslist for $20.

Enter, where she asked for someone
to tune it up.

I love it when everybody wins.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Chancery

About once a month when I was growing up,
my dad would mention that he had to go to
the chancery office, for a meeting. Chancery is a
fancy word for "main office." It was located on
Dayton Avenue, by the Cathedral of St. Paul.

He was the Superintendent of Gethsemane 
Cemetery in New Hope. It did not pay much,
but he was the perfect person for the job. His
actual employer was the Archdiocese of St. 
Paul and Minneapolis.

I always wondered about this building.
I had never seen it until this photograph 
was published in a local newspaper.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Mystery Wrapped in a Mystery

This photograph was taken in 1935.
My mother, the second from the right,
is 13 years old. I look exactly like her.

Despite many efforts to restore this picture,
nothing has worked so far.

Last May, 2014, I was putting away groceries,
when this photo, which is supposed to be in
my office, fell from my waist and fluttered
to my feet. It was not mangled in the slightest.



Saturday, September 5, 2015

What Remains

As this is not on our cabin property,
it is easy to overlook.
When we bought our place in 1981,
there were modest cabins on either
side of us. Today, there are very large,
homelike dwellings.
I like to imagine the thought and care
someone put into building this humble
stairway-now to nowhere-
in the 1920's.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Those eyes.

That snout.

Those ears!

Winston belongs to David's girlfriend Ari.
He is sitting in Grandpa John's chair at the cabin,
whilst a Scrabble game is in progress. Like a good boy.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lovely Children

The Cubs. 2015 Edition.

Abbe, 33
Kathryn, 31,
Mary Kristin, 27
Jonathan, 25
David, 21

The occasion is a sibling reunion at
our cabin. I get a ridiculous amount
of pleasure knowing that they all
get along.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Black Capped Chickadee Eggs

The hatch failed because a wren wanted
to take over the nesting space and the
mother left.